In the House too long?

Since we've adopted them they've been indoor kitties. I've always felt a little bad about it. It seems unnatural.  Still, it surely beats having to scrape them off the road or finding half of them on the front lawn like we did the other cat a few years ago (cougars must have eaten the other half).

But does staying in all the time drive them insane? Are there well adjusted and truly happy indoor cats?



May 27, 2010 at 2:01 AM

I hope they work it out. My two cats get to go outside all the time if they want to. Plus they go out there to use the bathroom. I just go tired of them sitting at the window and pining for the outdoors and so I let them outside.

Both of ours are boys and they are fixed. Joey stays near the house and just leaves the yard to go to the bathroom, he is well trained to never use our yard. Jericho roams the streets and can sometimes disappear for a few days. We think he has another family that he stays with. There used to be a cat that looked exactly and I mean it was almost impossible to tell the two of them apart, the other cat got ran over by a car, while Jericho still runs the streets and so I wonder if those people think he is their cat.

We had thought it was Jericho out in the street dying but he was actually in our house at the time. It was terrible to drive home and see what you think is your cat in the street. But thank God he was safe. So I sometimes think those people think he is their cat and I am willing to share him, but when he gets hurt, he always comes home and then we have to take him to the vets and we have to pay the bill. But it is okay since he is our cat and he knows who he belongs to. But he is not liking the puppy too much. Joey plays with the pup while Jericho tries so hard to ignore him.

I would say that maybe it would be a good idea to try the harness thing that Ronda's mom used, but then the cats might also hate the indoors even more. It is probably better for them to be safe indoors then to be dinner for a cougar or coyote. We had a cat that got killed by a coyote. It is a hard thing to deal with. As far as we know there are no coyotes where we live now.

Get a new kitten and see what happens. Just kidding, I hope they become friends again. Have you checked with the vets to see if something is wrong with one of them medically. When Thumper got sick and was dying, Jericho took such good care of him and guarded him constantly. He even quit running the streets during that time. Thumper was my baby, I cannot even think of him without crying. And because Jericho took such good care of him means that Jericho is a special cat in my books.

Maybe you need a cat whisperer.

God bless.

  Ze O

May 27, 2010 at 3:04 PM

Sherry! Thanks for the follow!
Someone suggested to get a dog! :-o
Well, I guess it kind of works for you!

Woow, I love the names you gave them, especially Jericho, how cool is that? Amazing that he is two timing you guys! :D

Thanks for sharing, that was fun to read!

  Ronda Laveen

May 27, 2010 at 8:02 PM

Maybe you need to walk her like an over energetic dog and tire her out. I was on a blog today and the word verification was Flecki! Can you believe it?

Also, on AOL hompage they had this link to an animal site where you can ask questions of a behaviorist:

  Ze O

May 28, 2010 at 9:38 AM

Well, Idi is kind of a lazy cat. Flecki's got much more energy, actually. But Idi does have a bit of a mental health history. I'll elaborate one of these days.... ;)

Haha! That's too funny with the word verification! Flecki is German and means "patchy".
My mom once told me that my cousin (who has Down Syndrome) has a cat and she named her Flecki as well.

Wow! I am going to try that website, thanks!!

P.S.: Love the new profile pic! Hello Ronda! :)

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