Solitay Confinement and Weight

Ever since Idi doesn't chase Flecki  through the house anymore, they've both put on some weight. It does Flecki really good because she was kind of bony before. Idi often wouldn't allow her to eat and chase her away from the food bowl. It's only now that we realize how much it impacted Flecki. :(
Idi on the other hand is looking more and more like a Rugby ball. We tried to encourage exercise (running the stairs up and down - she usually follows me wherever I go) but she looks like me like I have gone mad.
I guess it's time for some dietary changes. Flecki will continue to have access to food 24/7 and Idi will just have to put in some fasting time throughout the day and the whole night. Hopefully DH is going to add some play time again as well. I am no good at that stuff - they get bored with me.  
Both felines are otherwise content at this point - even though there is the occasional paw-and-scratch-episode under the door if I don't pay attention. I think they both just want to be single. Kitty divorce is what we're dealing with here!


  Ronda Laveen

June 14, 2010 at 1:43 PM

Hope they signed pre-nups. The settlement just might set the whole thing off again. It does sound like Idi does just want her own space.

  Ze O

June 15, 2010 at 9:17 AM

Flecki seems happier on her own, too, though.
She's playing, eating, drinking, going to the bathroom without having to watch her back. Must be a huge relief.

Haha! They've been working on their settlement in their own unique way.

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