Cutting a Deal

I think all parties have come to an agreement. We humans are just not going to mess with trying to get them together again  - for a long time. They have both adjusted to the new routines; there is only minimal howling about it, both cats seem happy, healthy, and content, and there is hardly any fighting at the door anymore. So why fix something that's taking care of itself?

They obviously don't want to hang out anymore and we have the space to respect their decision without having to give either one away.
So there you have it. A kitty divorce that could have been so much worse.


  Ronda Laveen

June 15, 2010 at 5:57 PM

The each want their alone time with you. Such a peaceful ending. Animals don't always want and need what two-leggeds do.

  Ze O

June 16, 2010 at 11:00 AM

And who are we to force our will onto them?
I mean I myself can get quite nasty if put in close proximity to people I don't have much appreciation for. ;)

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